
What is winrunner
What is winrunner

what is winrunner

The regexp_label property is used for windows only. How Win Runner handles varying window labels? We can handle varying window labels using regular expression Win Runner uses two “hidden” properties in order to use regular expression in an object physical descriptions, these properties are regexp_label abd regexp_MSW class.this blinks the selected object To find a particular object in a GUI map file click. I’m thinking of writing a WinRunner Coding Standards document (as if there weren’t enough of them out there already), but with more of a focus on why things should be done a certain way rather than just dictating how code should be written. How do you find an object in a GUI map? The GUI map Editor is been provided with a find and show buttons To find a particular object in the GUI map file in the application select the object and click the show window.Set_Window command sets the focus to the specified window. What is the purpose of Set_Window command ? Set_window (, time ) The logical name is the logical name of the window and time is the time the execution has to wait till its gets the given window into focus.


While creating a script only those functions in the add-ins selected will be listed in the function generator and while executing the script only those functions in the loaded add-ins will be executed. What is the purpose of loading Win Runner Add-Ins ? Add-Ins are used in Win runner to load functions specific to the particular add-in to the memory.

what is winrunner

While recording tests ,insert, checkpoints where you want to check the response of. WinRunner Training course by DevLabs Alliance is a popular automation testing tool due to its various benefits like flexibility in tests without the need for much programming, sound functionality, reusability and automatic recovery from crash and several other benefits.

  • Explain Win Runner testing process? Win Runner testing process involve six main stage Create GUI maps file so that Win Runner can recognize the GUI objects in the applications being tested Create test scripts by recording, programming or a combination of both.
  • Why you used Win Runner in your project? Yes, I have been Win Runner for creating automation scripts for GUI, functional and regression testing of AUT.
  • What is a checklist ? A checklist contains information about GUI and selected properties to check.
  • These programs have proven their value over and. What is Windows 7 USB DVD Download Tool Windows 7 USB DVD Download Tool is an official software program provided by Microsoft. One of many regression testing tools that automate testing by feeding gui events into the program.


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  • When Context sensitive mode is to be chosen ? The application contains GUI objects Does not require exact mouse movements. Using winrunner test tool crack, key, serial numbers, registration codes is illegal.
  • What are call captured in GUI Spy ? Class to which the object relates Label Description of the object.

  • What is winrunner